Night Run ~ Nine horses running in the crest, two horses appearing in the mist
Nine horses running in the crest, two horses appearing in the mist
From the distant corners of the earth… we have come
Across the oceans of time… we have come
We are ancient myth
Formed of salt, water, and wind
Hear us as the roaring waves of a thousand hoof beats
We have come to fulfill our destiny…
~ Kim McElroy
I recall the moment when I first was inspired to paint “Night Run”. When I first saw this wave, I was in a book store, in a state of reverie looking for inspiration. I saw a book of waves. I opened it, and chills of recognition ran through me, for I could clearly see the shapes of horses in the waves. At that moment I knew that I would be creating a series called Horses in the Elements.
I have since learned that seeing horses in waves is something that sailors and surfers and those associated with the sea considers second nature. The 1990 limited-edition release of “Night Run” sold out in six months, and it became one of my most popular works.