Portal of Grace
Come now to the portal of grace
In the timeless space of potential
Between the dusk of yesterday and the dawn of today
There I await your willingness
To seek the light of your own heart
Inspired by the gentle birch
You will learn to thrive where others would falter
As your heart integrates the deep black of earth wisdom
With the shining white of higher consciousness
Quench your thirst in the waters
Formed from the channels of your inner knowing
Flowing freely from tears of release
Into a healing stream of renewal
Step forward from the portal
As your new self emerges
Note the seasons have come full circle
But you are back at the beginning
Now the stone will slumber once more
~ Kim McElroy
Portal of Grace was created as a Soul Essence Portrait for Sandra of her mare, Grace. Grace is a healer who works with Sandra in her Equine Guided Development practice, Chiron’s Way. Like Grace, this is a painting that has so many layers of meaning, and though the interpretation has personal meanings for Sandra, the artwork speaks to others in an invitation to their own untapped potential. The imagery was inspired by the merging of symbols and visions that Sandra and I both saw in our meditations with Grace.
Shana conveyed to me that all of Nature was full of energy – horse energy and others, and that everything is connected. That the spirits of all who have ever been and gone, are still here in the fibers of the world. That we can learn to understand that spirits are not as intangible as we believe – our limited perception of them almost as like “air” , but rather they are in every rock and tree and river and leaf, and the cells and the molecules and the fiber of nature.