Poseidon's Gift
A stallion born of the ancient tides.
You cannot tame me, but I might let you ride
I will take you to the pristine sands
Of your first encounter with sea and land
We all begin somewhere, and this is my time
Let us recall when the earth was sublime
She knows what it is to bring wisdom to form
Where we can all renew and be reborn
~ Kim McElroy
When my popular Horses in the Elements series was making waves, I began researching Greek myth. Believe it or not, there was no internet then, and the books at the local library didn’t seem to have any references to horses. So, I went downstairs to the children’s section. There, as I knelt on the floor like a child, I looked through the simple stories, I found a reference to a story about Poseidon, god of the sea, creating the horse to impress the goddess Demeter. I was astounded. I had been painting horses in waves for years, and somehow, I had tapped into this ancient myth without knowing.
Shortly after that, I had the inspiration to combine the dynamic movement and presence of this beautiful grey horse with that of an onrushing wave.
~ Kim McElroy